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Camp Synaesthesia was conceived and established for Burningman 2000 to provide pleasant stimulation for all the senses of the residents of Black Rock City. This year, we will be located at
300° and 3100'.
    Step into the womb and feel the aromatic imagery and palatable sounds of your own synaesthetic experience. Camp Synaesthesia is sustained by aesthetes from both the Los Angeles and Bay areas, whose special talents and skills created the elements that contributed to your immersion into the womb and the many curiosities of synaesthesia.


syn·aes·the·sia (noun) - a subjective sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated

Charles Baudelaire

Nature is a temple where living pillars
Let escape sometimes confused words;
Man traverses it through forests of symbols
That observe him with familiar glances.

Like long echoes that intermingle from afar
In a dark and profound unity,
Vast like the night and like the light,
The perfumes, the colors and the sounds respond.

There are perfumes fresh like the skin of infants
Sweet like oboes, green like prairies,
—And others corrupted, rich and triumphant

That have the expanse of infinite things,
Like ambergris, musk, balsam and incense,
Which sing the ecstasies of the mind and senses.


The Infinite Mind — listen to synaesthesia discussed on an online radio show  Click here to listen to the show. Real Player is required.
Dr. Hugo's Museum of the Mind
— many links to informative synaesthesia information
Synaesthesia: A Union of the Senses — take part in an international online synaesthesia experiment
ISA — site of the International Synaesthesia Association
Leonardo Bibliography — Synaesthesia Bibliography Entry


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